Company Activities

Thai Central Chemical Public Company Limited held the 2019 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM.)

Thai Central Chemical Public Company Limited (TCCC) the Leader of high quality NPK compound fertilizer under “OX-Brand, Baby and Singha” has long lasting reputation more than 40 years, held the 2019 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) No.47 by Mr. Kyosuke Sasaki – Chairman (3rd Left) of this meeting together with Directors, Executives and shareholders at Banyan Ballroom, 10th Floor, Banyan Tree Bangkok Hotel.

For the company’s operating results for the financial year ended 31 December 2018, the company’s total comprehensive income in 2018 showed 1,412.8 million baht. The Board recommends the shareholders meeting to approve the appropriation of profit as payment of dividend at 1.50 baht/share, totaling 877.1 million baht. In this year, the company plans to accelerate brand awareness to Myanmar market and will create various strategies to promote sales in order to compete in the chemical fertilizer market.